Bouquet of Peach Cotton Fabric Roses

Bouquet of Peach Cotton Fabric Roses


3 long stem cotton fabric roses in pretty peach colour. Perfect anniversary bouquet for a 2nd wedding anniversary gift of cotton.

3 long stem roses
Material : Cotton fabric / wire stem
Colour: 3 Peach / Green stems
Approx height each rose - 26 cm

Your flowers will arrive in a gift box tied with ribbon.

Gift message
You can include a personal gift note with your order, please leave your message in the note to seller box before completing your transaction. Gift notes are printed on a small white card

Design notes
Petals may fray slightly due to natural fabrics used
Actual colour may vary due to screen differences
Jug vase and other photo props are not included.
© 2007- 2021 Cotton Bird Designs

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